Because of my irrational fear of clowns, "It" scares the hell out of me. "We all float!" My nephew, who along with my daughters finds my fear of clowns endlessly amusing, will randomly text me "Hey, Auntie! We all float down here!"

As for The Untouchables, I like it very much. The train station scene, the scene when
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Connery has been shot and is dying, and he's trying to tell Costner about the train the bookkeeper is getting on, and Connery chokes out, "What are you prepared to do?",
the scene at the opera house, when DeNiro is simultaneously crying at the beauty of the aria, and smiling at the news he's just received, echoing the words of the aria. I actually like the movie very much.

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club