Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
Originally Posted By: Longneck
...Seriously. If You're trying to use a guy's middle name as a reason not to vote for him there is something wrong with you.

How about people are using his middle name because it's his middle name. rolleyes Anyway, even the omitting the middle name doesn't eliminate his decades-long association with known terrorists.

Actually, that lunatic Keith Oberman initiated this association by 'middle name' thing during the primaries earlier this year...when he constantly referred to one of the Republican candidates as " Mitt 'Willard' Romney "


You need to do more research or just consider not typing on this Board.

Mitt Romney "initiated" the name-game by referring to Barack as Osama during a speech Romney gave in South Carolina during October, 2007.

This the same Romney who made fun of his liberal state to conservatives at a dinner earlier this year while campaigning for President...you know, that state he was a PRO-CHOICE GOVERNOR of for 4 years?

What an asshole.

Originally Posted By: olivant
Keith Olbermann is just about the most articulate host of any talk show and the correctness of his facts are just about beyond dispute. He repeatedly points up the errors in O'Reilly's statements such as O'Reilly's statement that Americans massacred German soldiers at Malmedy during Battle of the Buldge.

I don't care much for Olbermann himself, just maybe a click or two better than O'Reilly on the dipshit meter, but oh I remember that WW2 gaffe by O'Reilly, and Fox News wiped it off the official transcript, but MSNBC showed the video of O'Reilly's screw up.

That's what I don't get about alot of TV personalities...can't they sometimes admit they fucked up on the facts, apologize, and move on?

Then again, as I've said it before, I would rather be corrected and look silly than be wrong just to stroke up my ego.