Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: Double-J
...I just find it utterly hilarious that Patrick asserts that if Obama is elected, anyone earning under $250,000 won't see a tax increase.
I don't even need to explain that.

Perhaps we are all not as wise as you. Please explain.

I'm almost as wise as Double-J, and apparently he momentarily forgot the way people think around here...so I'll try to explain.

While those people may not see an increase in personal taxes (which even that I don't believe, look what Clinton did in March, 1993)...it would certainly have an effect when businesses of all kinds have to raise prices, from the mom & pop store to the publishers who put out the magazines you buy at checkout (including 'US', which wasted no time trashing Gov. Palin); doctor/dentist fees; federal taxes on things like telephone and cable svc. among others, and employer taxes which may or may not result in hiring freezes, reduction in benefits and possibly layoffs.

You people who think 'taxes' just means what comes out of the paycheck (although that's plenty already)...well, I guess you're just not as wise as the rest of us.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.