Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
Originally Posted By: Saladbar
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I also didn't like the term "community organizer" to describe what Obama did. How about the fact that, despite graduating at the top of his class from Harvard, he decided to give back to the community instead of joining a powerful Chicago law firm for a huge salary. They don't mention that. Instead, they mock that commitment to public service, unless it's their own.

I'm with you. When Rudy then Palin attacked his service to his community and the crowd roared I about threw up. How messed up is the GOP that they would seriously denigrate the work of someone who sacrificed a comfy job in a high paying law firm to help the underprivileged?

Community Service is a wonderful thing and Sen. Barack Hussein Obama should be applauded for it. Does it qualify anyone to be President of the United States. Nope.

Also, after nearly a week of scrutiny over Palins 'experience' while running for VP and who if she wins may or may not ever even assume the Presidency...it was and is completely appropriate to compare her experience as Mayor and Governor to Sen. Barack Hussein Obama's, who if he wins WILL be President...as a Community Organizer and U.S. Senator who is on record as voting 'Present' most of the time and passed barely a single piece of legislation during his time in office but has somehow found time to write 2 memiors.

The comparison was fair, it was warranted and it should be made time and time again if the media continues to harp on Gov. Sarah Palin's qualifications for the office of Vice President.


Yet I doubt any Democrat or moderate was going to vote for Obama for his experience. More like for his pitch of no more S.O.S. ("Same Old Shit") or at least represent a change from the Dubya years, or new ideas or whatever.

I mean McCain's pitch is that he's been around long enough, he knows the game and how to play it BLAH BLAH, and it's worth running on.

There was a political cartoon, and I hate that I didn't save it, but which you had two cars: those new hybrid environmental/fuel-friendly cars (Obama) and a SUV (McCain), and you have people in the middle wondering which car to "buy."

On the hybrid, "Looks promising, but it's a risky move."
On the SUV, its "It's proven in the past, but is this the solution now?"

Point is, experience was a cornerstone of McCain's run, and with his age, if he had picked someone like Hutchinson, I think moderates would have been more acceptive of that pick than a Palin. I mean Hutchinson has been in office for about what, 14-15 years as a Senator from Texas?

McCain/Hutchinson ticket would have been the complete "Experience" Value Meal.

Oh sure Democrats would find little shit to get pissed about her, but when polling indicates with Palin that with Republicans loving her, and Democrats hating her, but moderates in general are not biting...that's a problem.

To put it another way Apple, remember 4 years ago?

Edwards energized the Democratic base, but who won the race?