Originally Posted By: klydon1
Tonight wasn't the test for Palin as she was in a room full of friends, who would cheer anything she said. Heck, they even cheered her promise to be an advocate for mentally disadvantaged children. And her husband, who wants to secede from the country, got a standing ovation. She did well as expected, and I liked her but I don't know that she can lead the country.

I've said before that the more I acquire experience, the less convinced I am that it is absolutely necessary. However, I think the Republicans are doing her a disservice by overstating and puffing up her qualifications as mayor and a brief tenure as governor of Alaska. Nobody's buying it, but we'll let her be judged on her merits. I'll give her a fair shot although the election will eventually come down to McCain and Obama, and I will vote for Obama.

At worst, if McCain wins, she'll be an Agnew as in:

(1) Attack Dog for White House (like most VPs are)
(2) Irrelevant
(3) A deterrent against impeaching the President.

Then again, some people have joked (inappropriately) that Hillary should have been Obama's running mate, just because she would be a good insurance policy for him against a sniper bullet.

Originally Posted By: klydon1
By the way, as her family took the stage after the speech (and they are a good looking family), my attention was on the young man, who is now referred to as "Bristol's beau." I thought that only in America, can a young teenage high school hockey player from a remote town in Alaska knock up his girlfriend, and suddenly find himself on center stage with the presidential and vice-presidential candidate of a major party at their convention.

Yeah, though if this had happened 20-30 years ago, most of us probably would have laughed at it and thought that we was France and not America.

Oh how times change.