Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
So you are using Jimmy Carter, the head of the 1976 Democratic ticket, to defend the back-up in 2008? Jimmy freakin Carter?...


Funny you pulled up the one Gov. that DIDN'T get a second term as President. And we all know why.

However, he was defeated by another Governor.

I'm just saying that Governors have simply been more successful than Senators in Presidential elections. Not commenting on the performance of any of those past Chief Executives. Since John McCain is a sitting Senator, I think it was wise of him to choose a Governor as his running mate. Romney or Pawlenta would've been good, but safe choices...too similar to the 'safe' choice Obama made with plagarist Joe Biden.

With Palin, he's got a Governor, a maverick, a conservative...AND a woman who will kick ass!!!


Don't agree??? We shall see.... grin


Speaking of plagarist, remember that report about a McCain speech on Georgia supposedly plagarized from Wikipedia?

As for your hypothesis....wasn't the bomb that was Dukakis a Governor too?