Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
...You know, that talk does bring up a good point....why wasn't Hutchinson picked?...

The possibility of Hutchinson was batted around even before Palin was announced. I like her, but there really would've been no point to that selection; you then would've had FOUR currently serving U.S. Senators as the nominees of both major Parties. Yawn.

Whether it had been Palin or somebody else, putting a Governor on the ticket was a smart move by McCain.


3 is good but not 4? I'm confused.

Really, I'm still baffled as to why Hutchinson was passed over. Did she turn it down?

Speaking of which, word is out unconfirmed that the National Enquirer, the same tabloid scum who busted open recently the Edwards sex scandal, and years earlier the Jesse Jackson lovechild, are now apparently onto a Palin affair. True or not, fuck if I know.

All this stuff of the same person at the same time is giving me a headache.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 09/03/08 08:42 PM.