Originally Posted By: Double-J
Originally Posted By: dontomasso

As for the Palin thing, can you imagine if Obama or Biden had a daughter who was pregnant and unmarried? All the right wingers would be saying this proves they have no values, bla bla bla.

You mean...pretty much what the left is doing right now towards Palin?


Really, as I made the point earlier about the "experience" issue, logic and point of attack against the other side just amazingly disapears when it happens to one of your own.

Should the Palin kid be the center of all this? No. Really, do I care? No. I mean, Presidential candidates are known for dysfunctional families. Where's Billy Beer when you need it for such headaches?

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Mig, sorry. That's a complete and total copout. Perhaps the Republicans should have left President Clinton's family alone when they felt the need to expose his affair in front of the world. I'm sure that it was hurtful to Chelsea to see her family's private matters plastered all over the place.

Washington Post months back ran some story of how back in the mid-1990s, McCain told this joke at a GOP Senate lunch:

Q: Why is Chelsea so ugly?
A: Janet Reno is her father

Whatever that story is true or not, I don't know.

But the irony is that Chelsea was an...."awkward" kid, to put it nicely...and yet she grew up looking beautiful and well-presented when she was out campaigning for her mother in the primaries.

I may think her father is an asshole scumbag, and her mother a bitch, but I've got nothing against Chelsea.

Then again, I once got in trouble years back at a liberal-biased message board for saying that I had no problem with Laura Bush at all.

No shit.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 09/03/08 05:45 PM.