Originally Posted By: Irishman12
What is wrong with Robinson Cano? I really like the young man but he seems to rub me the "Bobby Abreu way," his lack of hustle/caring really disturbs me. This young man is only 25-years of age and could be a league batting champion. Just 2 years ago he hit .342, last year .306, and this year a BIG drop off with .268. Not only that but his defense. Could someone PLEASE show this guy how to dive for a ball? It really just burns my a$$ to see these guys with all this potential and not utilize it fully.

Cano needs someone to motivate him. He's just one of those players that could be great but needs somebody to light a fire under him. It's pretty sad, actually. Fuck, Girardi should be doing it, but he seems to be worried about how to keep A-Rod and Giambi together in mediocrity in the batting order.