Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: Just Lou
Obama got a big boost in all the polls since the weekend, and went up 4 points since yesterday's CNN's Poll, where they claimed Obama didn't get a convention bounce.
              Tuesday, September 02  

Gallup Tracking:         Obama 50, McCain 42   Obama +8
Rasmussen Tracking:	 Obama 51, McCain 45   Obama +6
USA Today/Gallup*:	 Obama 50, McCain 43   Obama +7
Hotline/FD:	         Obama 48, McCain 39   Obama +9
CBS News:	         Obama 48, McCain 40   Obama +8
CNN:                     Obama 49, McCain 44   Obama +5
Fox News:                Obama 49, McCain 43   Obama +6

I wonder if the upward swing for Obama is a late result of the Democratic convention OR an early reaction to McCain's choice of running mate.

It might be both, for if that one poll (anyone want me to cite?) reported that while the Conservatives ate up the Palin pick like ice cream, the moderates independents are "chilly" to it so far.