Originally Posted By: Paul Pisano
1) I just watched Insomnia on dvd with Al Pacino. Robin Williams is excellent as the villain. The dvd also had an interview with Al and a host of other extras.

Check the original INSOMNIA from Scandanavia sometime. It's better, but Nolan's remake is pretty good.

Originally Posted By: Paul Pisano
2)Alien vs predator-requiem was a dud. The biggest problem is the movie is shot entirely in such a dark way that one needs night vision goggles to view it.

The fact that it sucked a golfball through a waterhose didn't help either.

Originally Posted By: Paul Pisano
3) The recruit with Al Pacino and Colin Farril[sp] is also another great work. Pacino shows that he still has it.

Not seen that one.