Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Originally Posted By: STEVENAP
The libs have to be careful about turning Bristol's pregnancy into a public matter. According to them, Clinton's adultery should have been a private matter between him and Hil. Last time I looked.......adultery was a lot worse than a teen pregnancy.

Honestly, I think both aren't good at all if you ask me.

I think what's worse for Palin is that she's a "Family Values" candidate, and that's what bugs the liberals. You're asking for a bullseye on your skull if something like this leaks out. Hell, remember that scandal from 2006 with Senator Vicker and his hooker problem?

Larry Flint busted him wide open, along with the then-Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives that was prosecuting Clinton.

In short, in all relativity my new religion, all is bullshit in love & war.

You can preach to your kids all you want and it still may not matter......Besides, the kid's not the vice-presidential candidate. She probably accidentally got pregnant. Did Slick Willy accidentally committ adultery? And he wasnt just a 17 yr. old kid.

I'll make you an offer you WONT refuse.