Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
Originally Posted By: Ice
... Personally, I think it's a brilliant move by the Republicans, I was saying just the other day that they needed to shake things up a bit to match the swagger and aura surrounding the Obama Campaign and this did IT!..I'll bet $1,000 McCain wins this November.

Exactly!! Well said, Ice.

Frankly, it's been hilarious these past two days listening to virtually ALL the left-wing, from Larry King & James Carville (CNN) to Chris Matthews (MSNBC) to Tom Brokaw (NBC) to Mark Green & Ron Reagan (Air America) fall all over each other questioning nothing but the 'experience' of Gov. Palin. They are ALL either missing the boat completely, or simply don't want to see the forest for the trees.

(Apologies for the cliche', but it was the best way to put it.)


When I was growing up, I prided myself as a Republican for our argumentation being clear, straight, blunt, and forceful.

So McCain had a good argument against Obama on the experience issue, yes?

So yeah why disarm perhaps his best argument?

I've been reading GOPers trip over themselves of how her 16 months of being Governor is worth more than Biden's 20+ years of Senate work, which in token means that Palin is more experienced than McCain.

I doubt you Appleonya or DJ will argue that, right?

Remember 2004 when Kerry kept trying to trip himself over of how he voted for the Iraq War before he voted against it? Karl Rove called that quote the gift that kept on giving.

And Karl Rove earlier this year shat on the possibility of Tim Kaine as VP, saying that only 3 years as Governor is not enough experience for VP:

And Look what I found on youtube, Palin calling someone with cancer a "bitch."

Damn and I thought I was mean.