Originally Posted By: olivant
Exactly. National conventions are a monumental undertaking all around. It would be like postponing the Superbowl or Olympics. Also, September is the month during which various legislative bodies such as local governments and state legislatures make last minute adjustments to their upcoming fiscal year budgets and grant approval to them. Many elected officials are delegates and have already arranged their schedules.

What I don't get is why the GOP decided to have the '08 RNC in Minnesota this year.

Politico has been running tales of how while those 80,000 something tickets for the Obama speech sold out quickly, the GOP as of earlier this week had been having trouble in getting a sell-out for a 12,000 seat joint for McCain's speech. Nevermind that GOP apparently had to actively recruit local Minnesota folks as workers/activists for the RNC, while scores and truckloads of folks volunteered in Denver for the DNC.

Then again, what you expect from the same state that went for Mondale in 1984?