Originally Posted By: Double-J
...That a white woman is more electable at this point in our nation's history than a black man? Not talking primaries, we're talking general election.

Double-J, my Republican compadre...

Politically, we are close to soulmates, and it's always nice to have you around to help knock down the liberal hordes.

But please, a word to the wise...do yourself and me (mostly yourself) a BIG favor and stop, stop, STOP the sarcastic references to race, either directly or indirectly in almost every post.

It isn't funny, it isn't clever and although you are apparently not worried about your reputation around here...all it does is throw a nasty wrench in what has been (and will continue to be) an entertaining and interesting thread.

Aside from that, it MAY get you suspended (again?) if you take a step too many over that invisible line.


ON ANOTHER NOTE...whatever your 'Party', this is an extremely exciting, historic election cycle, one that will go in the books. Two years ago, Nancy Pelosi became the first ever female Speaker of the House. Not that I'm a fan of hers and the sooner her boney ass is out of that seat the better...but still, she broke the ceiling.

Earlier this year, we knew that either a woman or a black man would be the Presidential Nominee for the Democratic Party. Another first.

Now...come January 2009, our nation will have either the first African American President or the first Female Vice President.

It's incredible, it's happening, and it's fantastic to be a part of it.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.