Originally Posted By: klydon1
I really don't know much about her. It was kind of a surprising pick. I'm sure a lot of thought went into the selection, but wow.

She is anti-abortion and will appeal to Fundamentalist Christians... I will be REALLY surprised is she appeals to women, in fact it should make it clear to all the Hillary Clinton supporters just how much McCain really disagrees with the issues they care the most about!

Her husband also worked for an oil services company or at least as a supervisor. I am so tired of these politicians linked to BIG OIL.

McCain hasn't had any big reported scandals, but this woman has lot's of scandals in Alaska now: transparency in oil bidding process, thinks the fix has been in, current ethics investigation into HER conduct - allegation is she tried to have her ex-BIL fired from State Police, and this has credibility. What was McCain thinking?

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"