Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Originally Posted By: J Geoff

....had to catch up with a few eps of Gene Simmons Family Jewels -- lol

Ok, sorry to take this topic off track, but Geoff, how great is that show? lol I am NOT a fan of reality tv whatsoever, but I really enjoy his show. He really is a very smart man, and is absolutely brilliant when it comes to promotions and marketing. Did you happen to catch the roast that they did for him? Hilarious!

I'm not a regular watcher, but do catch parts of an episode every now & then. It's certainly better than the phony-baloney 'Hogan Knows Best' (in which Hulk Hogan appears to be the ONLY intelligent member of the family). George Foreman's show is a bit staged and stiff as well.

Family Jewels: Used to not like they way a member (or two) of his family did commentary while Gene sat there saying nothing...but then realized that's part of the schtick. As family reality shows go (and most of them suck), it's really not that bad.

Worth saying though, that NONE of these even comes close to 'The Osbornes', which was the daddy of ALL family shows.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.