The Last House on the Left (1972)
(out of 4)

Two teenage girls head to a concert with the intention of "scoring some good grass" on the way. They run into escaped convicts who happen to be murdering rapists. The convicts car ends up breaking down in front of the house of one of the girl's and the parents attempt to take revenge for their daughters death.

This controversial movie, the first directed by Wes Craven, had so much promise but ended up more of a joke to me than anything. As I was watching it I realized svsg covered this movie in his thread The movies that went all the way. I agree with him that this movie made more of a joke of itself that tried to shock the audience with something new and horrifying. The scenes that were truly horrific would have been much scarier if the atmosphere were held steady rather than adding in humorous scenes in between, mostly involving the dumb Barney Fife-like cops.

The music is the other thing I took issue with. Some of the music selections fit very well for the situation while other times it was just comical when it shouldn't have been.

While I have problems with this movie I'm glad I saw it, especially to see how Wes Craven got his start with something that was very disturbing for it's time.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes