Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
Originally Posted By: Just Lou
I just saw the ad. It's fairly effective, but nothing more...

Possibly. But at the moment, we're looking at the ad only.

When you combine that, with whoever McCain's choice of running mate is, along whatever ads are to come (from both sides), AND with the Fall debates on top of that, then one party might be in a bit of a pickle as Election Day draws near.

Of course...I don't dare contemplate which party that may be.

'Nuff said.


Yeah and if the McCain (is stupid enough to) pick is Romney, just watch those DNC ads where Romney said in a debate that McCain wasn't a conservative because he was endorsed by the New York Times....

You know, that bullshit coming from the guy who was pro-choice while he was Governor?

Come on Apple, you're old enough I'm sure to understand the concept of political opportunism.

I mean remember Bush Sr. shitting on Reagan's supply-side economic plan in the 1980 GOP Primary as "Voodoo Economics"? He ended up as the Gipper's VP.

Remember Kerry saying that Edwards was "in his diapers" when Kerry was off in Nam? He ended up as his running mate.

And if Hillary had been picked as Obama's VP, we would have the same story there.