Originally Posted By: olivant
Pimping, huh?

Both Minnesota and Pennsylvania went Democratic in '04. Ridge is nationally known and is Catholic. In addition, he is pro-choice. Thus, he is a much stronger potential vote-getter for McCain. Pawlenty doesn't have a national reputation, is evamgelical, and is pro-life. McCain already has the great majority of evangelicals and pro-life support. Florida went Republican in '04. Chris wouldn't be much of an advantage.

At this point, McCain is trailing in electoral votes. He needs states such as Pennsylvania to catch up.

That is assuming if McCain can retain the Bush states from 2004...and that is in doubt.

Plus, why are you assuming McCain has the majority of the Evangelicals?

I think you're missing my whole point of Ridge. Why did McCain win the GOP nomination? Because at the time, he was seen as the one guy who could beat Hillary in a national election in spite of Bushie. But did he have the Conservative kiss from the onset?


He's been fighting to get their love, and if he goes with Ridge...it sends them the message that a GOP retainment of the White House isn't necessarily hardcore pro-life, and you think such Evangelicals will go down for that?

Come on, really?

I know you're a nerd for Ridge and all, and I can understand that, but shit remember 1988 when Dukakis' VP was a Conservative Democrat from Texas, and guess what? Dukakis got his ass whipped like cookie dough that fall by Bush Sr.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 08/19/08 09:19 PM.