Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Originally Posted By: Double-J
Look at it this way. Hank's going to open up the warchest and go for Sabathia and another FA pitcher.

Hopefully you're right. This is what I keep thinking of. If the Yankees lose enough, Steinbrenner will do something BIG in the offseason to prevent this from happening again in 2009. I hope they go after Yu Darvish from the Japanese league who they're claiming will be the next Dice-K. But yes, just pick him or CC up along with Teixeria and K-Rod and I'll be happy for 2009 grin

I honest to God hope they stay away from Darvish because right now he's a pipe dream, and he has said he doesn't even want to come over here. We should learn from Igawa and Irabu - Japanese pitchers that can succeed in the West are rare. Dice-K looks like the obvious exception, and he may go the way of Nomo within another 2 seasons...the league figured out Nomo fairly quickly. Japanese league pitchers just don't seem the be able to adapt to MLB hitters.

And K-Rod will not come to the Yankees, he wants to close, so he wouldn't sign with us. Meh, his delivery is a recipe for arm problems anyways, and he's building up some mileage on that frame of his. I'd be hesitant to sign him for a long-term deal beyond 3-4 years.

On the plus side, Melancon in the ML is predicted to be the next "Joba" and is the anticipated closer. He dominates the ML just like Joba, and sacrifices a little less speed (still in the mid-90's) for more control. They're babying him like it's nobodies business. Otherwise, I'm pretty happy with the bullpen as constructed. Ramirez and Veras are developing nicely into two above-average relievers, Bruney when healthy should be fine, Giese has been terrific, Robertson looks like a stud, and anything they can get from Marte is a bonus. Mo is pitching like he's 26 years old.

But yes, I agree, I think it is vital that the Yankees make a huge, perhaps unprecedented FA splash this offseason, with priorities in this order:

1.) Sabathia
2.) Manny
3.) Teixiera
4.) Sheets/Garland/Burnett/Wolf