Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Manny cut those dreds?? Never happen. The man is a nightmare. He's a poor team player, to make an understatement. In this season alone, he took HIMSELF out of the lineup and attacked a member of his own team in the dugout. Unless Torre can work a miracle with him this summer, I wouldn't want him.

Abreu's been an important contributor this season. I wouldn't want to see him replaced with that sloppy pain in the ass. They don't need to shell out big money for another bat. Let them invest in some pitching instead.

Manny is far from a nightmare. He's one of the top 5 hitters in the league, and future Hall of Famer. He'd be a great addition to the Bronx Zoo. I'd take him in a heartbeat, and hope Cashman does.

Give me Manny over A-Rod in a big spot at the plate any day of the week.

Incidentally, Abreu is absolute shit in the outfield, so I don't think you'd lose much. Nady is his replacement anyways. Abreu should be gone, he wants too much money and years for his age. While I wouldn't be adverse to seeing him come back, we desperately need to dump one of our DH's, and I suspect Giambi is the odd man out.

We absolutely need to shell out money for another big bat. This lineup is so vastly overrated it's not even funny. This is the worst Yankee lineup I've seen with RiSP since I can remember watching as a kid in the early 90's.

Things the Yankees need to address in the offseason:

  • A true leadoff hitter with a high OBP
  • A true #3 hitter (Nady?)
  • A decent-hitting first baseman who can play defense (Teixiera?)
  • A player to protect A-Rod in the order (Manny?)
  • Two *starting* pitchers (Sabathia and perhaps Sheets/Garland/Burnett/Wolf)
  • Retain Molina
  • Lose two from this list, preferably by trade or arbitration decline: Damon, Matsui, Giambi, Abreu
  • Retain the core of the bullpen

Example of how much better the 2009 Yankees could be simply through FA acquisitions:


1 of: Sheets/Garland/Burnett/Wolf
1 of: Pettitte/Mussina