Great contrast there, DT. Michael was totally devoid of love for anyone, I would say even for his children. He viewed them simply as pawns in his power chess game, and a way to keep Kay in check. Vito, on the other hand, clearly loved his family, even Tom, and even his capos, with whom he went way, way back.

Also, Michael employed lying more frequently than Vito ever did. In fact, I don't recall Vito ever lying to those he dealt with, with the exception of him lying to the Commission when addressing Michael's murder of McCluskey and Sollozzo (correct me if I'm wrong - I am on a regular basis lol). Vito's MO lessened the need to lie, whereas Michael's MO placed him in the position to HAVE to lie at nearly every turn. No doubt in my mind that Vito was the better Don.

"The only wealth in this world is children. More than all the money and power on Earth." --Michael Corleone