Originally Posted By: BDuff
It's come out recently that Michael Lancelotti is in fact not the Consigliere. That title happens to belong to Gaeton Lucibello, Lancelotti is a Capo. Staino is also Capo of the South Jersey crew, as well as being acting Underboss for the newly released Mazzone. Ligambi is also the offcial boss of the family, Merlino is no longer recognized by New York.

The chart is more like this...

Boss - Joesph "Uncle Joe" Ligambi

Underboss - Steven "Handsome Steve" Mazzone

Consigliere - Gaeton Lucibello


Martin "Marty" Angelina
Michael "Mikey Lance" Lancelotti
Anthony "Tony" Staino
Vincent "Beeps" Centorino

You're missing a few new soldiers as well, seven have been inducted since August '05 according to Philly Inquirer.

The consigliere is George Borghesi, who is currently incarcerated.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.