Originally Posted By: Turnbull
...Roth’s “six sense” was Fredo. Fredo must have told him that he’d arrived with the $2 million...

"I made up a lot of stuff about FREDO Corleone 'cause that's what they wanted - but it was all lies, uh - everything. And I kept saying - FREDO Corleone did this and FREDO Corleone did that - uh, so I said yea sure, why not. "

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
... Michael didn’t acknowledge Fredo’s treachery until Fredo practically smacked him in the face with it later at the Superman show.

Possibly because that was the moment he was given solid, absolute proof that Fredo had become involved with Roth.
(And it may very well be that Fredo himself was the ONLY one who could've provided it.)

Michael may have been suspicious of Fredo all along.
But....a) wasn't about to act on it until he was absolutely sure, and (more importantly) b) like pizzaboy says, couldn't really bring himself to believe Fredo was the traitor until there was absolutely no other possible suspect.

After viewing that 'banana daquiri' scene so many times it does appear he might be testing Fredo right there.

But then...you know all this, Turnbull. Nice way to start a discussion, though


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.