Originally Posted By: Don Jasani
It doesn't top DMC's grizzly misadventures with knives but a few months ago I was innocently making a can of Chef Boyardee ravioli or spaghetti & meatballs or whatever and cut my left thumb pretty badly trying to open the can. There was a profuse amount of blood everywhere and the gash took quite a while to heal. Needless to say I now employ greater caution while opening cans of Chef Boyardee and other canned foods.

The exact thing happened to my son 3 1/2 years ago.And it was Chef Boyardee ravioli with the pop top for the microwave. My daughter told me that he was bleeding and he was fine until I took his hand, squeezed it and the blood squirted up. He got a few stitches, and couldn't play basketball for ten days.

He actually played after 7 days because his team was in the playoffs. During the game, while dribbling the ball, the thick bandage came off. Realizing it came off, he started looking all over for it...while dribbling the ball the whole time. He finally found it, scoooped it up and only then did he pass the ball so he could put it back on.

The doctor in the ER said that it was surprising the number of people who slice themselves opening those cans.