Originally Posted By: BDuff
Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Originally Posted By: BDuff
These PG-13 sequels to R franchise really bother me, fuck little Johnny and his pre teen friends, I want a real movie! There is talk of making Terminator Salvation PG-13.

I couldn't agree with this statement anymore! But from the studios point of view, it's f*ck BDuff and his older buddies because they feel they can cater to a wider audience with you AND Johnny (then release the unrated DVD for those seeking a "harder," no pun intended, film)

When I saw Live Free or Die Hard in theaters it was packed with thirteen year olds who thought they were hot shit because their mommy wasn't there, disgusting. These tame sequels alienate the orignial fanbase, hopefully the studio will keep Terminator an R franchise.

Mate, it could be worse.

Remember the R-rated CONAN THE BARBARIAN, then its PG-rated(!!!) sequel CONAN THE DESTROYER?
