Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
MC, That's a whole different story. The "gas crisis" and the "mortgage crisis" are only relevant in the fact that they're going to cost the average American a hell of a lot more money.

Of course they are different, but as you said, "a hell of a lot more money" coming out of the pocket.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

As for the housing crisis, why should I have to bail out these morons who couldn't read the fine print on their mortgage paperwork? Oh, you didn't understand that a variable rate mortgage meant that the rate VARIES??? Oh, you didn't understand that it was OK to buy a house with 2% down, wait until an artificially inflated market gave you pretend equity that you then leveraged to buy another house with NOTHING down, and now you can't sell either one of them for enough to pay off you loans, and this is somehow MY fucking fault???

Sorry, did I get off the subject of gas prices???

These morons -- isn't that what government is for? To protect the average moron from harming themselves by dealing with money-hungry shylocks. It's an interesting psychology to tempt morons with a chance to own a home. Moron mentality is looking at the big, new home and not at the future of higher and higher monthly payments. Who do you blame - banks, govt, morons? What does this have to do with gas prices? It's one tangled ball of yarn.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12