Saw the American Idols tour tonight in Atlantic City -- very nice (if you're a fan)! Even the ones I didn't particularly like on the show did an outstanding job. The Top 8 each did 3 songs, #2 David Archuleta did 4, and #1 David Cook did 5 or 6. And there were 2 group numbers (one was U2's "In The Name of Love" with Idols Give Back footage, before the intermission). Three hours (including intermission), with them performing in reverse order (#10 Chickezie went first). It was nice to see'm live.

David Cook is just awesome, a total showman who has a fantastic voice and a professional stage presence.

David Archuleta sounded great, as usual. Amazing for a 17-year-old. He didn't do "Imagine", tho. ohwell

Syesha Mercado can belt it out better than any of'm -- she was terrific, and still beautiful. blush

Jason Castro did his thing. Won't blow anyone away, but, the chicks love'm.

Brooke White, one of my least favorites of the Top 10, actually sounded decent tonight. But many used her set as a bathroom break. lol

Carly Smithson sounded great! Since the beginning I thought she'd be a front-runner, and for good reason.

Kristy Lee Cook did fine (another I thought shouldn't have lasted as long, but hey... so it goes...)

Michael Jones rawked the house! The Aussie did good. Another fan favorite.

Ramiele Malubay did just fine, too. Actually, better than fine and better than on the show.

Chikezie Eze even did well. I always thought he was pretty good, and should've lasted longer.

As I said, they all sounded just great. It was a fun time, despite the un-fun trying to get the hell out of the place with all those people onto the boardwalk!

The pictures I took came out pretty shitty, but I'll try to post some when I get some time. I got a few (very) short video clips of some of them as well....

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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