Excellent little piece.


"We just got off a conference call with Camp McCain, defending their new ad comparing Barack Obama to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. They said they thought the ad was legitimate because Obama is a big celebrity (which happens to be what John McCain was, too, when he came home from Vietnam and started to build his political career), and Britney and Paris were Number 2 and 3.

The problem: Anyone with even a vague sense of pop culture knows that Britney and Paris are yesterday's news. Paris and Britney don't even make the list any more. Instead, the top 10, in order: Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, Angelina Jolie, Beyonce Knowles, David Beckham, Johnny Depp, Jay-Z, The Police, JK Rowling, Brad Pitt.

So, they didn't pick other big celebrities, who were either men, or black, or married. What they picked was two sexually available white women. But it must have been a coincidence, because we know John McCain wants to run an elevated campaign focusing on the serious issues that America faces."

You know, that article has a fucking good point. I hate to use the "R" word because I used to despise liberals who threw it around like candy, but.....that ad was Racist.

If not intentional, then it's indirect. Besides, if they were gonna go that angle, why not try something like the "3 AM" little white girl ad that Hillary ran earlier this year?