Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
God gave me some nice skin, so I don't want to mess it up with ink and holes. What's the point?
I posted this waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 2004. Still don't have tatoos, never will. No one answered my question back then. What's the point? Anyone have an answer 3 1/2 years later? Just curious.
Perhaps nobody answered your question back then because they weren't convinced you asked out of sheer curiosity (I'm not).

Also, because you interpret the cosmological events happening all around you right this moment by attributing them to a concept you call "God", doesn't mean other people attribute those things to the same concept. (And that's all "God" is; a concept, a way of interpreting events.)

Also, you're speaking for yourself. Your determinism (a true Christian trait: "I don't have tattoos, never will") doesn't invite a counter-argument. Which renders your so-called curiosity meaningless, transparent, a faux pas if ever there was one.

(I'm knowingly taking the bait.)

Nobody felt or feels the need to convince you to get a tattoo. Hence the three-and-a-half year silence following your "question". It's not about religion at all. People get tattoos for all different kinds of reasons, and they've existed long before it became fashionable; long before the proper process was invented.

But, to play the Christian Game: Why maintain the "purity" of the flesh, when the flesh is a mere limit for the soul? And, isn't flagellation, that most Christian of bodily disciplines, a way of tattooing the body of sorts?

The desire to get a tattoo or not get a tattoo, for whatever reason either way, is at least more rational than the religious grounds on which you've based your "belief".

(If you'd have said, "To me, tattoos are ugly-looking," you'd have saved me the rant. But no, that would have defeated the purpose of the meaningless, rococo outer shell of your apparent and transparent curiosity.)

...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?