Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
3 house mates go to buy a new microwave at the shop!

It costs £30 so they each put up £10.

At the till the shopkeeper tells them it is actually only £25 and hands them back 5 pound coins. The 3 pals each pocket a pound and give the last £2 to the shopkeeper as a tip.

As they walk away one of them says
"Hey,we all paid £10 but got a pound back so we ended up paying £9 each?
3 x 9 is £27 and we gave the guy a £2 tip.
That makes £29?

What happened to the other pound?"

Anyone solve this one cos i certainly can't?

As Don Sicilia pointed out, you can't solve the puzzle that way (you're mixing apples and oranges).

Look at it this way... the microwave cost £25. Each of the three guys had to kick in £8.33 for that. If they each pocketed a pound, that brings up their individual outlay to £9.33. Thus the total amount covered was £27.99 (9.33 x 3), so let's round that off to £28.00. The £2 tip balances out the original £30.
