Missed it last night because i was at work but Miguel Cotto lost his unbeaten record to the tough Mexican Antonio Margarito aka "The Tijuana Tornado".

Apparently it was a classic so i will have to keep an eye peeled for a re-run.

One of the older guys at work last night told me a funny story. He is in his early 60's now and due to retire shortly but in the early 1960's when he was a young man his first job was in a hotel as a lift operator.

Now back then somebody bought fearsome heavy champ Sonny Liston to the UK for a promo tour. He rode a white horse through Newcastle city centre apparently.

Well he was staying at my work pals hotel by the train station and later got into the lift with him accompanied by his 2 bodyguards,who were even bigger than Sonny eek

One of the bodyguards leaned over to my pal and said "Hey pal,if Mr. Liston stands on your foot in this lift make sure you say sorry cos you don't want to make him angry".

My pal says he was terrified (he was only 17 an 4 stone wet through)
He looks at Sonny in abject terror and Sonny just winked at him and then gave him a £5 note when he got out. We had a good chuckle when he told us this last night smile

I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees!