Originally Posted By: olivant
...Well, what is or should be considered then?

Not for me to say, since I wasn't on the committee that had to make the decision on whether or not to release her.

Possibly the testimony of the families on BOTH sides, possibly the fact that she was not even up for parole, this was simply a plea for an early release. Possibly the heinous nature of the crime itself. Maybe all these things put together.

Look, the reality here is that (most likely) none of us on the BB took a part in the ruling that Atkins remain in a prison hospital. What we've all been posting here is our opinions...no matter how smart or knowledgeable we want to try & portray ourselves to fellow members (who probably know better, anyway).

So you can ask all the questions you want, and second guess the State of CA and enlighten all of us as to how things are done in YOUR State.

In the end, the decision has been made
by people who know far more than we do andlike it or not there are TWO main issues stated in this thread that are fact:

1. Susan Atkins is a convicted murderer.
2. Susan Atkins is going to die in prison (where she belongs* ).

* Opinion only, of course wink

Last edited by AppleOnYa; 07/26/08 04:57 PM.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.