TIS, here is what I wrote at AwardsDaily. Its not a formal review, but a quick blurb:

THE DARK KNIGHT (2008) - ***** out of 5 - Masterpiece

So much to say, so instead I’ll say this: The myth of the goodness and evils of the Hero Cult, we have finally gotten at the movies without resorting into the goddman action plotting heroic dynamics that plagued even BATMAN BEGINS…..the first since Milius’ awesome CONAN THE BARBARIAN.

And its official: Sir Ridley Scott, sorry to tell you this mate, but you’ve just lost your crown as the King of British Film, and Christopher Nolan, as the new sovereign, you hereby are now a MASTER.

A MASTER filmmaker is one who’s cinematic vision is unique, easily identifiable to a film buff, and one worth waiting years for to get a new motion picture from. When a movie has “A _____ Film,” its a goddman trademark, and people will pay simply to see what you’ve brought to show the rest of us.

Congrats Mr. Nolan, and now lets hope this opening weekend’s record has given you the muscle to get Universal to greenlight your next movie THE PRISONER. Bring it on!