Originally Posted By: The Iceman
I must admit Heath Ledger did a good job playing the Joker, and he revived his image in my eyes after he did that other piece of sh*t film that I don't dare bring myself to say.

You mean Brokeback Mountain, the film about two homosexual cowboys and the "forbidden" relationship they carry; concealed due to the fact that they lived in a world filled with the kind of prejudice that oozes through your post? Did the love scenes make you squirm? Did the thought of lustful sex between two men madly in love make you feel so uncomfortable in your coonskin cap that you had to get up, take a few laps and stretch? Why so serious?

Did you see it? smile

Now as for some of those critics comparing this to the Godfather uhwhat mad those critics need to have their heads examined by numerous professionals.

Why? Now, I would like you to really elaborate on this one. I want to hear some reasons...a solid foundation; because frankly, you're just too much fun.

Last edited by Don Andrew; 07/20/08 09:36 PM. Reason: much, too much fun.

Hey, how's it going?