The comparisons are valid. As far as being one of the great modern crime dramas, it clicks on every cylinder imaginable. I simply can't but into words how sublime and satisfying those two and a half hours were. I've loved Batman all my life, and I used to worship Jack's Joker and watch the Burton films non-stop...The Dark Knight obliterated any nostalgia I had towards the earlier films because it's EASILY the best Batman film ever, and it's not even close. Begins was definitely a stepping stone towards greatness but this film executed on every level imaginable. Not once while Heath Ledger was becoming immortal on that screen did I even remember that he was dead or that it was even him on the screen...he BECAME this role and any dream or expectation I had of my favorite character perhaps ever being brought to life again was surpassed and electrified. Ledger gave one of the greatest performances I've ever seen, period.

This film exceeds the hype and is as satisfying as "that" gangster picture, although I don't really see the comparisons. Forget that the source for TDK is a comic book, because it makes no difference. It's majestic and explosive on the level of "that" movie.

Hey, how's it going?