The old stadium (pre-"overhaul") was better. The field was bigger to straightaway center (461') and the monuments out there were out in the open. With such a big outfield the game was played a lot differently (defensively). I remember the right field line use to be something like 296', so I guess they extended that somewhat, but it was always fun to see a short homer go down the line.

The big improvement came in the stands.... I remember getting seats in the "old" stadium that were behind posts that held up the second level. You'd miss half the game sitting behind one. lol They eliminated most of the bleacher seats (I used to sit out there with my friends because that was all we could afford in those days... I think a ticket cost about a buck).

Nobody has ever hit a home run out of the park. Mantle came within inches of doing it when he hit a shot off the right field roof (IF it was hit about a foot higher it would have cleared and probably would have travelled over 600 feet). (I heard a story once that Josh Gibson hit one out in an exhibition game).

Anyway, just knowing that the likes of Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio and Mantle ran its bases is enough to assure its place in history but it was RUTH'S house!!!
