Originally posted by waynethegame:
Would it not make sense that, since the book is a fictional story, the mysterious sixth family represents the REAL New York mafia?
I hope not. That would get us up to TEN families.

Originally posted by waynethegame:
I know that you can draw similarities between the others and real life families, but since the sixth is hinted at but never described (nor is their part in the war mentioned in depth) I always thought it was supposed to represent a real "Family" of New York.

If the Bocchicchios are supposed to be the sixth, then they did get a long description in that chapter, it's just shifted by a few pages. Cuneo and Stacchi don't seem to have defined roles in the war, either, which was probably a good thing for them in the long run.

I was poking around on Amazon, and saw a review for a books on tape version with Joe Montegna. It apparently left out about an hour of material that's in the book, including the descriptions of the other warring families. So anyone who listened to the books wouldn't know what the heck all the confusion is.

"All of these men were good listeners; patient men."