Not sure if anyone has followed the story of Manson follower Susan Atkins who has been imprisoned since the Tate-LaBianco murders. She is 60 now and is dying of brain cancer, with one leg amputated and the other paralyzed, and has a few months to live. They asked for an early release so she can live the remaining months outside of prison.

Coincidentally I just finished reading Helter Skelter the book written by the prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi. A bit long but great book. Anyway on the surface when you read the current story and not aware of the history, it is easy to say she should be released in her condition and with a few months to live. However having read the book and her participation - she is the one that killed Sharon Tate who was 8 months pregnant and testified that as she cried to let her live to have the baby, Atkins just kept stabbing her and saying I have no mercy for you. Tate was a random stranger to Atkins and all of the followers. I was aware of the story but until I read the book had not clue of what really happened. Can't imagine what the time was like when all that was going in terms of the trial that last 7 months. And we thought the OJ trial was a circus this seems worse.

Her release has been denied, she will remain in the prison hospital - no release.