I saw some comparison earlier in the thread about weekly v. daily, and which is more skill-based and which more luck-based. Do you think it's one way or the other, or just a difference in the kind of strategy?

I could see having more "fluke" days in daily, but that could go either way - very lucky or very unlucky. Weekly, I think requires great strategy to plan and decide your picks, and also will make you pay more for your mistakes. I also was thinking that a fluke, either good or bad, would be further emphasized, but then I considered that when your picks last for a week rather than just a day, any fluke is likely to have less of an impact because it is 'evened out' by the rest of the week's results for that same team or player.

I'm starting to confuse myself. What it all comes down to is, JG's in first, so I think we should just conclude that weekly's based on luck. wink