I'm just hearing about the Jesse Jackson comments now on CNN. They say they can't say exactly what he said. From what I gather, they are talking about a speech he made to the black community, which I think was wonderful. He said, among other things, that "there are far too many absent fathers in the black community" and went on to scold them (so to speak) for not being involved in their children's lives. Now keep in mind he was talking to a black community, but he also indicated that "all" fathers should be involved. Anyway, as usual, I find his speeches so "right on" an very inspirational. smile

I guess Jackson said something "off color" on open mike (don't know what) but his apologizing now. Like one commentator said, the Jesse Jackson era is over and this is a "new" way of thinking for the Black community.

Now, as far as the German Chancellor story goes, I have a feeling that Obama will be very well received in Germany and pretty much wherever he goes. One question to RR, or maybe Goombah, or someone who might know....isn't this German Chancellor the lady who our very tactful President tried to give a shoulder massage to???? You guys know what I'm talking about? The MSM of course wouldn't dare print a negative story on Bush, but he was at a Summit or some function put his hands on her shoulders and started to massage her. ha hah... She definitely was startled and jumped. lol Gotta love that cowboy charm. rolleyes Idiot


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon