1) Are you a jerk?
Most of the time

2) Have you kissed somebody in the last month?

3) Who was the last person's house you went to besides your own?
Wifey's Grandparent's

4) Do you miss someone?
Every Damn day

5) What's on your mind?
I love my $3 espresso maker

6) What music do you hear?
CRR - Born on the Bayou

7) Do you like someone right now?
I have a crush on myself

8) Listening to music?

9) What are you doing tomorrow?
Work, sleep, Claaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassses

10) What is your favorite flavor ice cream?
Mint Ice Cream - NO chocolate chips

11) Anything annoying you right now?
Nothing New

12) Favorite color?
It changes...White or Green

13) What did you do last night?
I worked

14) Who did you ride in a car with last besides your family?
I don't even remember

16) What's the color of the shirt you are wearing?

17) What did you do Sunday?
That was a few days ago, who knows

18) Do you have any bruises?

19) What were you doing at noon yesterday?
Playing Madden 08 on xbox

20) How long does it take you to get ready?
About 30 seconds

21) Have you been outside today?
Yes, when it was raining.

22) The last text you received on your cell was from?

23) What did it say?
I have no idea

24) Last movie you watched and with who?
Without falling asleep during? Full Metal Jacket

25) Who/ What do you miss?

26) Are you wearing any jewelry?
Wedding Ring, Prince Albert...just kidding

27) Last person you hugged?

28) The last place you went to?
The Way of the Wise

29) Who/What made you upset today?

30) Do you sing in the shower?
I don't even sing in my head. It's that bad.

31) Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally?
Jason sings for me all the time at work.

34) Look ln your phonebook, who do you have under the letter 'T'?
My phone book would have a lot of people under T, I doubt I'd know any of them...

35) If you could fix things with anyone who would it be and why?
No one

36) Has anyone ever told you they're in love with you?

37) What color are your bedroom walls?
Some weird orange-y type of color

Long as I remember The rain been coming down.
Clouds of Mystery pouring Confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, Trying to find the sun;
And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who'll stop the rain.