One time when I first starting working for the school district, I was a receptionist. One of our counselors loved to joke around and many times we'd joke with each other.

One morning someone brought in donuts. It was early and the office was kind of empty, so got a cup of coffee and was eating a donut. This counselor dailed my extenstion thru the speaker phone and I hear him call me (deliberately to bug me). I keep hearing my name over and over, "pick-up, pick-up" he'd say. I wasn't sitting at my desk but he was making me laugh. I worked my way back as I hear him talking/teasing me, etc.

Finally, I pick up the phone and say "what do you want, I'm eating a donut?" Well guess what? I picked up a line that had a parent calling in to the school. LOL She says, "excuse me?" panic lol All I could do is be honest and told her briefly what happened and apologized. Thank goodness she understood and didn't go complaining to the principal.

I told the counselor what happened and he cracked up and would never ever let me live it down. One time he bought a box of donuts and writes on the box Ann's donuts. Some teachers and students walking by would ask, "how come you get all the donuts." I'd tell them the story. I guess you'd have to be there, but it was funny to me. lol


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon