Special K, i´d say in the beGinninG of GF III Vince was quite the "unaccepted" bastard (watch the trouble he had enterinG Michael´s party), so i´m quite sure he wasn´t permitted to call himself Corleone. maybe Lucy didn´t try at all because she shied away from meddlinG with that family (after all, her stint with Sonny wasn´t so popular with the others). isn´t it Connie who does a Great deal of hard work to Get Sonny´s boy on the inside?!

i wouldn´t say Vincent is one of the many chanGes between book&movie, it´s an irritatinG plothole. chanGinG Freds stature or the number of Mike´s kids is nothinG compared to that.

maybe FFC forGot a couple thinGs about the book, he hardly read it aGain before filminG GF III...

"i understand you have to deal with a lot of people who try to seem more important than they are. In my case the reverse is true." -Tom Hagen