Can't find the link, but here are some interesting poll results from Canada, where The Strategic Counsel asked 1000 Canadians which Canadian/ American leader they preferred. The results:

1. Barack Obama: 26 per cent
2. Stephen Harper: 21 per cent
3. Hillary Clinton: 16 per cent
4. Jack Layton: 9 per cent
5. Gilles Duceppe: 6 per cent
6. Stephane Dion: 5 per cent
7. John McCain: 3 per cent

Other Useless Polling Data

-82% of Canadians now think Iraq was stupid, compared to 51% who wanted us to go there in 2003, 54% of Americans think it was stupid too and 59% applaud Canada's decision not to enter
-45% of Americans think Canada's health care system is better (42% preferred America's) and 91% of Canadians also felt that way
-51% of Canadians would call themselves liberal or very liberal, just 37% of Americans say the same
-57% of Americans say they are either conservative or very conservative, 41% of Canadians say the same
-Just 23% of Canadians attend religious services weekly, 46% of Americans do
-68% of Canada now supports gay marriage, up 13% since 2005, whereas 44% of Americans support it (that's pretty good considering)


Of course, this may be complete bullshit