The N'Drangheta.

The Australian Mafia is called L'Onorata Societa, "Honoured Society". Many of it's criminals came from Calabria, the impoverished part situated on the toe of Italy's boot. The Calabrian Mafia call themselves the N'Drangheta, a Greek word meaning heroism and virtue. They are also La Famiglia - "The Family".

Instead of the pyramid structure that Cosa Nostra uses, the N'Drangheta uses families based on blood relationships, inter-marriages or being a Godfather. Each group are named after their village or their family leader. Comiso "The Quail" Commisso is the Boss of the Siderno group, with its major bases in Italy and in North America. They also have members in Germany and Australia.

All members go through the N'Drangheta ceremony which involves a questions and answers that is to be spoken in rapid Calabrian. The member is to promise loyalty to the organisation regardless of the directive.

There are five rules which members must abide by: Help another member no matter what the circumstances are, Absolute obedience to the Officers of the Society, An attack on a member is an attack on the group and must be avenged, No member will approach any government agency for justice, Omerta must always be obeyed and all secrets kept within the group.

The birth of the Australian Mafia is thought to have originated in the cane fields of Queensland in the 1930's. The N'Drangheta became famous for it's Black Hand activities in taxing and extorting local farmers. Vincenzo Dagastino used this method and became very wealthy This method was used right up to the end of the Second World War.

After the war, the Mafia relied on the cities, where there was expansion. They benefitted in labour racketeering and political corruption. They also turned their interests to drug trafficking, mainly to Cannabis, where they profited immensely in it's massive production. Members had used their agricultural skills to grow the plants, as well as their place in the market to transport and distribute. All through southern Australia, they installed plantations. Finding it so lucrative, they made ties with the Chinese Triads in the 1990's. They began to import Heroin in exchange for Cannabis. Now, they have become Melbourne's biggest players in the Heroin market and rule their members with an even greater fist. It is thought that they have links with the Russian Mafia in New York, as well as back in Italy.

Last edited by MiniMafiaBoss; 06/29/08 03:39 PM.