I thought of my fellow Blues Brothers fans when I read in the paper today about how Dan Aykroyd was in Houston for a new opening of House of Blues in downtown.

Here's the article: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ent/5858840.html

And I heard he threw out the first pitch at the Astros game yesterday! It was actually a whole Blues Brothers theme for the game that night, as people were supposed to come dressed in the famous attire. I don't know if there was a costume contest, or what it was, but I did get to see two guys dressed up on camera as I watched the game.

Then our announcers did a trivia question, asking what the name of the place was where Jake and Elwood performed the Rawhide theme. One of them reminded listeners that they had both country and western. haha I was yelling at the TV, "Bob's Country Bunker!!" lol