Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Sorry Olivant, I am not buying any of it. Something is very wrong here and we are all puppets that can't do a damn thing about it. mad They have something to sell, we want to buy doesn't cut it with me. We HAVE to buy to get to our jobs. We are getting screwed, that's the bottom line.


Again, why is there something wrong? How are we getting screwed? At what price should fuel be sold? Should that price reflect one's ability to pay? If so, what determines one's ability to pay? Does such an approach apply to anything for sale? How about vehicle repairs and tires? What about medical care? In another post, Babe railed against the price of rice. Does that approach apply to all food?; most foods?; alot of foods? At what fuel price is nothing wrong or not screwing us?

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