Originally Posted By: klydon1
In 1983 he still looked like he could rip the guts out of a grizzly bear.

Kind of reminds me of a story:

It must've been 1985 or '86 and I was driving a cab in the City. I was stopped at a red light behind two other cars. The light changed but the first car in line didn't move. A few seconds passed and still, no movement. I was about to honk my horn when the guy in between us REALLY leaned on his horn and wouldn't stop. The driver of the first car opened his door and SLOWLY walked up to the second car. I SWORE the first car's driver was Sonny Liston (but he was already dead at that point). I could only see the second driver "slink down" in his seat. (Nothing happened and as the light cycled back for a second time we all proceeded). But I gotta tell ya, this first driver was ONE SCARY LOOKING DUDE.

You remember Sonny Liston?? He'd be one to tear the guts out of a grizzly!
